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CGED Spotlight

Multicultural and Global Diversity Project Team
Connect Across Cultures: Intercultural Communication Workshop
Join with Ms. Margot Ling (Chief Catalyst of TCP Growth) to understand the importance of cultural awareness, intercultural connections and collaboration in a multicultural environment.
Date: Apr 4 (Tue)
Time: 1530-1700
Venue: CPD 3.28, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus
This coaching-based training workshop aims to inspire the participants the importance of cultural awareness to foster intercultural connections and collaboration in a multicultural environment. It covers mindset and communication toolset with Cultural Intelligence as a guide. Participants will be divided into small groups with discussions and practices.

Celebrating International Women's Day
Transpacific Celebrity: Xiao Hong, Agnes Smedley, and Eileen Chang
Speaker: Clara Iwasaki, East Asian Studies, University of Alberta
Respondent: Nicole Huang, Comparative Literature, HKU
Moderator: Elizabeth LaCouture, Gender Studies, HKU
Date: 9 March 2022 (Wednesday) on Zoom
Time: 10:00 AM (Hong Kong time)
This event was co-presented by CGED, GSP and CSGC.
Recording now available.

Collaborative Research Funding of HK$1.5 Million Awarded to Team Investigating Impact of COVID-19
Dr. Olga Zayts in the School of English is part of a cross-institutional team awarded over HK$1.5 million in the 2021/2022 round of UGC Collaborative Research Funding. The Faculty of Arts will lead the project, entitled “The educational, social and health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on University graduates transitioning to the workforce in Hong Kong.” HKU collaborators include members of the Faculty of Social Sciences and CEDARS, who will work alongside colleagues at CUHK, CityU, and Reading University in the UK, and community partners Mind HK and the City Mental Health Alliance HK.
The project will focus on 3 cohorts of students: 2021, 2022, and 2023. Members of the team will conduct surveys and interviews with major stakeholders with the aim of developing an evidence-based digital resource. This “Digital Workplace Transitions Hub” will feature tools to support core competencies required in post-COVID-19 workplaces, including digital and linguistic competencies, as well as essential mental health resources.

Brenda Alegre Blog on LGBT & Faith
Listen to Dr. Brenda Alegre's blog for the Global Online Forum on LGBT and Faith: “As a Child I Would Pray to God ‘to Make Me a Woman One Day’.” The blog is part of an initiative by Fellows of the Salzburg Global LGBT Forum to foster online discussion about the inclusion of LGBT people in faith communities and religious and cultural traditions.
The Salzburg Global LGBT Forum advances the human rights
of LGBT people and communities around the world. Founded
in 2013, it has created a trusted 76-country network of LGBT
and human rights leaders to facilitate open exchange and
collaboration in highly-diverse contexts, spanning government, law, diplomacy, religion, finance, media and culture.
Established in November 2016, the Committee on Gender Equality and Diversity works with organizations both within and outside of the University of Hong Kong to lead the way on gender and diversity, and realize the full potential of our academic community.
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Contact us
Enquiries and comments are welcome and can be sent to:
Ms Cathy Wong
CGED Secretary
Email: cathynkw@hku.hk
Ms Grace Choy
CGED Executive Assistant
Email: cmk0128@hku.hk
Mailing Address:
Committee on Gender Equality & Diversity
Faculty of Arts General Office, Room 4.05
Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Faculty Office Tel: +852 3917 8977
CGED Email: artscged@hku.hk