CGED Research Seminar Series
Women of Faith in Action: Inter-faith, inter-cultural and inter-generational dialogue
Panel Participants:
Dr. Helena Yuen, Buddist speaker
Rachel Friedmann, Jewish speaker
Tina Taheri-Moayed, Baha'i speaker
Fatima Qureshi, Muslim speaker
Kashifa Qureshi
Phyllis Marwah, Christian speaker
Date: March 21, 2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Venue: Room 4.36, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus
This is a panel discussion led by women of different faith traditions, backgrounds, and ages who have played an active role beyond their sacred precincts in the local community, workplace or social order. It asks them to consider the following questions. How haas their faith prompted them to take action? What impact has their active faith and practice of prayer, worship or meditation had on their life and thelives of other? Have they encountered any barriers because of theor beliefs or faced any specific challenges as women in pursuing their commitment to faith and action?
Interfaith Panel Participants:
Buddhist speaker Dr. Helena Yuen is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies where she pioneered an M.A. course on Buddhist Mediation for conflict resolution.
Jewish speaker Rachel Friedmann is a committed educator who has been Principal of Carmel School Association for over eight years and is Founding Head of Carmel’s Elsa High School.
Baha’i speaker Tina Taheri-Moayed is the Head of Communications and Public Affairs for East Asia and the Pacific at the International Finance Corporation (IFC). She manages the Future Development Blog under the aegis of the World Bank.
Muslim speaker Fatima Qureshi is a HKU undergraduate, a volunteer at the Refugee Union, and co-founder of Liberty Magazine which focuses on the diverse identity and experience of migrants in Hong Kong.
Her mother, Kashifa Qureshi, has raised four children in Hong Kong; was an Islamic and Urdu language teacher; and is now an Urdu poet and writer with a particular interest in the familial experience of Muslim women.
Christian speaker Phyllis Marwah is a long-time resident of Hong Kong, co-founder of the esteemed Hong Kong charity, Mother’s Choice, and a mother to seven children.
Moderator Maureen Sabine
Advisor Kate DeStefano Weisman
Co-sponsored by
Committee for Gender Equality and Diversity, Faculty of Arts
Women’s Studies Research Centre
Hong Kong Network on Religion and Peace